Thursday, January 22, 2009

Here is a list of things that make me smiley and warm lately:

Vanilla Maple Tea

Nine Inch Nails, "With Teeth"

True Blood


If I stink it's because I smell like this stuff. Eau De Rich Brainless Slut.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tis The Season To Be Giving

If you have room in your hearts and wallets this holiday season, please consider making a Christmas wish come true for a needy child or family. For less than $40 you can make a child's Christmas! 

There are still over 7,000 letters unanswered. 

Make Winter Wishes Come True

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I am currently watching the HBO film, Recount

2000 was the first election I was able to vote in. I was so excited. 

I WANTED Gore to win. SO BAD. I got all my republican family members to vote Gore. (The first election my dad ever voted Left in.)

And then he lost by 97 votes because the Supreme Court wouldn't allow a recount and "decided" that George W Bush won. 

To see the political process get completely shit on during the first election I was ever able to vote in made me disgusted. Cynical. And turned me into the awful pessimistic human specimen I am today. 

My father was appalled over the 2000 election. He was shocked that no one fought, not enough people protested for Gore or the voters in Florida... no one seemed to CARE that some shady shit went on!!! 

I am happy that in 2008, enough people finally cared to get a democrat in office. That they finally stood up and did SOMETHING. 

The bailout, national debts, China practically owns us, the war in Iraq, oil prices, environmental destruction, species extinction....

It doesn't seem like we care ENOUGH.

And we never will.

I'll wait and see what Obama will do. I hope he is the most amazing president we've ever had.

But I am still one jaded chica. 

Monday, November 3, 2008

A cat may look at a king

Dusty and I playing with Photobooth. 

How I Wish I Could Shut Up Like A Telescope


Beginnings are weird. I was told by various English professors that your opening lines are the most important. That sure does put a lot of pressure on a girl.

Here is a picture from Halloween. I dressed as Alice from Alice In Wonderland. 

My cat, Dusty Donovan Maximillian III (who currently is residing in my lap as I write this, purring...) was the cheshire cat.